I was in North Carolina waiting to go on stage when my friend, who bares the responsibility of being my Apple buddy, sent me a text saying, "The Genius is dead...Steve Jobs!" I was in shock to say the least. This man was responsible for puting a computer in my pocket! He also had a hand in making me fall in love with computer animation. We all have to go, right? That's what we tell ourselves because it's true.
Let's go back to the title, "The Genius is Dead." Throughout history the mega super duper smart men and women, that have been given a special gift, achieve greatness through their unique vision or by inventing something. Lincoln, Gandhi, MLK, Nelson Mandela, and Einstein were all Geniuses of their time. They carried the torch of courage to think differently. They believed there must be a better way to do "it." Many of these men changed the course of history. But for many, when it was time for them to go home, their dreams and their vision fell to the wayside. (Of course MLK's dream didn't...thank god!! ) But, for the most part, when that genius dies, the vision goes with him. Their colleagues and/or friends might submit a generic, watered down version of that dream or vision, but they will soon lose sight of the true dream/vision. Why? Because the originator had the vision and carried the weight and the burden of knowing he/she couldn't stop until it was just right. My guess, is that most of the worlds geniuses are introverted and anal retentive. Attention to detail never escapes them. I guess what I'm trying to say is, since I updated my iPhone to the IOS7, the glaring flaws that continue to plague many, go unanswered. Apple has had plenty of time to correct these issues, but has not! I believe Steve Jobs would have had these issues dealt with in a timely fashion. By his need for perfection alone.
The Genius Is Dead!!